es:CSS is a lightweight and simplified HTML5, CSS3 framework that wants to help you getting your projects done and helps prevent basic or repetitive tasks.

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What is it?

Everything basically started with Workless by iKreativ. es:CSS is NOT just another clone of Workless. es:CSS is built from scratch, based on Workless' principles and concepts, spiced up with some new techniques and flavoured with own experiences. es:CSS started out as a mashup of all the great things I liked about Twitter Bootstrap and all the other boilerplates / frameworks. The more I worked with them, the more I added or stripped in order to make my life easier when working on any project.

Now it's pretty much turned into a framework in it's own way, with all the stuff you need and none of the stuff you don't. It's about saving your time and keeping your projects slim.

The current development status, updates and news about the project can be found on the GitHub Project Page or directly in the GitHub repository.


Less is more!

Reduction to the essential, to the core of a thing often leads to a better result than the overload with nonspecific accessory.